Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bicycle Chic

:: The New York Times did a recent article on the booming trend of chic cyclists in New York. No longer are bicycles considered a means of conveyance. They are now a fabulous (sometimes vintage) accessory, that also allows you to travel! The New York Times reports that bicyclists are no longer clad in ugly spandex, but rather fluttery skirts, capes, and kitten heels. In fact, a study showed that the number of adult female cyclists in the city was growing much more rapid than that of men.

1 comment:

this free bird said...

I'm totally on board with this and absolutely believe it. Gaby Basora (the designer behind Tucker) always talks about riding her bike in NY and she has some of the most beautiful silk "meant to be worn riding a bike through the streets of Paris" pieces that you ever did see.

Perhaps she's started a biking chic revolution!


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