Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Cravings

:: My favorite thing about fall (aside from the scarves) just might be the food.
Here are some of my favorites. Doesn't it all look scrumptious!

pumpkin pie , of course

:: Fall brings the state fair, the county fair, and my town's harvest festival. All of which means one thing for me: funnel cake. Oh, love!
Fall also means camping trips. And camping trips mean yummy chili around the campfire and doughnuts for breakfast. Don't the apple cider doughnuts look amazing?!
Oh, and that apple cake! Yummm...

For more stomach growling, check out Taste Spotting. Don't be ashamed to drool a little.
I did.

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Sweet potato casserole sounds yummy...I think I must try this! Yummy fall choices you picked!

Liesl :)

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